- Jenkins and Peck on Antibusing Legislation and the Civil Rights Coalition
- Bogle on Viscount Stair and Commercial Law
- Forgotten Women and Men’s Spontaneous Enlightenment
- Fountaine on Lawyers and the Rule of Law in the Third Reich
- Upham on "Black and Tan Conventions and the 14th Amendment
- DeBrincat on Colonial Connecticut Judges
- Desan on the US History of Public Banking
- AHA Congressional Briefing on Deportation
- Berger-Howe Fellowship to Hayes
- CFP: Legal Education Prognosticators in Retrospect
- CFP: ASLH 2025
- Machona on the Ilbert Controversy of 1883
- Legal Transfer and Legal Geography in the British Empire
- Birthright Citizenship: Kreis et al. and Lash
- We the Men: How Forgetting Women’s Struggles for Equality Perpetuates Inequality